Saturday, May 24, 2008

Tall Ship from Mexico

I will never forget watching on TV as the tall ships from around the world came into New York Harbor in 1976. Today we had a chance to walk around the deck of the Cuauhtémoc, the Mexican tall ship, docked in the harbor at Halifax. I wish Aida and Pablo could have been with us. They would have been proud!
Update: Lauren left a comment saying that Eduardo has been on this ship in 3 ports, Nagasaki, Ensenada and Acupulco.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Eduardo has been on that ship - he saw it in Nagasaki!

When he saw the photo {from 3 feet away} he said - "that is the Cuathemoc!"

Ok now I am getting more of the story - he has been on that boat in Nagasaki, Encenada and Acapulco!

He is trying to dig up some photos now....