Monday, May 26, 2008

Green Gables

The house and farm used by Lucy Maud Montgomery as the setting for "Anne of Green Gables". In her childhood, some elderly relatives of hers lived on this farm. I have very happy memories of watching the Anne TV series with Lauren and Rachel when they were about 8 and 14. This site is part of a national park and is tastefully presented. But the size of the parking lot told me that I wouldn't want to be in "in season".
"Anne of Green Gables" was published in 1908, so this is a big year on PEI. The book was an immediate hit and tourists started coming to the Cavendish area. L. M.'s relatives who lived in this house rented out tourist rooms. I took a nice photo of the bedroom called "Anne's room" and accidentally deleted it tonight. I always wondered how people could do such a stupid thing. Now I know!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I remember that fondly too.

I have deleted a couple of great photos - it is very easy to hit that little trash button twice.