Thursday, May 15, 2008

A Wild Ride

This is the third long trip that we have done with the help of "Barb", our GPS. Today, she made the first serious blunder and put us on this road for an hour, pulling the trailer!!! And parts of it were worse than this. Somehow, the configuration option called "avoid dirt roads" had become unchecked. There was no place to turn around so we just kept going. The bumps (big rocks in the road) and potholes were so hard on our backs that we had to stop a few times to walk around. This lovely brook provided a nice break. We had no cell phone service and I fantasized about what would happen if we had a flat tire. I felt better when we met an ATV and a Jeep. Once one of us said, "If we see a moose, this will be worthwhile." And we DID! We had all of a 2 second look before she (or he, with no antlers) disappeared into the woods. After an afternoon of recovery, we decided that it all really was OK.

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